
Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Global Table - a New Series from Motherwit

Does cooking conjure up
images of  1950's homemakers?
Image Credit: CCO
Melodies of Cultural Memory
Motherwit passes from one generation to another through shared experiences. Even as mothers teach children to clean or mend, they transmit knowledge and skills through experiences. 

These experiences permeate us like music. Melodies of sumptuous dishes and bonding linger in our minds. Memory arranges symphonies of nostalgia, so as we remember these skills, we elicit the intimacy in which we learn them. 

What wisdom passes from
a Chinese mother to daughter
as they cook together?

Image Credit: Alex Block
Many of us harmonize our concepts with white, middle-class American culture. The Betty Crocker-inspired image above, for example, depicts immaculately groomed Caucasian women in a modern kitchen.  They collaborate,  paying careful attention to detail as they follow prescribed directions. The daughter learns by looking on.

Tuning in Globally
These white, middle-class moms represent a powerful voice in motherwit - but only one in a dynamic, global chorus.  What happens when we also tune in to global voices?  Do we hear their distinctive melodies, or only a background harmony to our own experiences?

If we prick up our ears, what melodies could we pick out from the Chinese mother and daughter on the left? In contrast to the retro picture, they do not rely on a set, written recipe. Perhaps, they instead consult their past experience, their direct observation of the dish they are creating. What might their intuition tell them about what a dish needs? 

How does one cook
a whole meal outside?
Ask this women from Niger.

Image Credit:
Likewise, what melodies can we pick out from African voices?  This mother in Niger regularly orchestrates meals in an outdoor kitchen.  I cannot even manage cooking outside for barbecues or camping trips.  What could she teach us about versatility?

How do diverse experiences and insights enrich our own understanding?

The Global Table
Every Monday Starting in May
Mothers from many cultures has shared their wisdom and secrets with me most often through cooking.  Our common needs for nutrition, flavor, and creativity have built bridges across cultural divides.  We have bonded through our culinary discoveries and relished our taste-testing sessions.  

Starting in May,  Motherwit will feature The Global Kitchen every Monday. A new story and recipe from another culture will extend our table to you. Bring your good will, good taste, and relish for fun.  Posts will still include money-saving options for those interested, as well as other options.  

As always, we welcome your ideas and contributions.  Do you have a fantastic story and recipe to share?  Do you have a recipe to request?  Please add them in the comments to extend the table to everyone.

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